Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wow. So it's been almost a year since I blogged... I've been busy with lots of changes actually but luckily not the one I was preparing for. We sold our condo and I moved to a cute apartment with a magnificent ocean view! I also changed jobs, and I even changed my car!  I bought a little Suzuki to zip back and forth to work. It's a stick shift, that was fun when I moved on a hill because I NEEDED a view. Anyway, I learned real fast how to drive manually.  
The most important news is that Rosalie is thriving and doing well. She is getting stronger, has her two bottom teeth growing in and is a very active and demanding little girl. She now weighs 12 pounds, holds toys and babbles orders. She likes to be paced and loves lights.  She gets physical therapy once a week and occupational therapy twice a month. My mom watches her while I work, which helps me out tremendously. I wouldn't feel comfortable with anyone else watching her.  Below are the most recent pictures of us, we had a little Christmas photo shoot. Now that we are starting a new year I hope to blog more and share with you her progress.

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